As you may or may not know, Mr. LL "Do it and do it and do it well" Cool J is the opening act for Janet's tour and now Donnie Klang (I am not at all familiar with him since I didn't watch the last two season of Making the Band, but Skittles did) is also joining the tour as well. This tour is gonna be hot fire and Janet is gonna "Make it Work":
"JacksI am getting so hyper for this show and in just 2 days it all begins. So to get a little taste, here is Janet's fierce performance at the America United concert for the troops last night:on, who has sold more than 100 milli on album s in her caree r, said this will be the harde st show she' s ever done.
"It's just nothi ng but hits from front to back, " she said, inclu ding songs from her lates t album , Disci pline . " It's a compl etely diffe rent show. It's very much upbea t. It's a dance show. "
Fans can expect to see Jacks on, known for her sculp ted midri ff, perfo rm in about nine diffe rent costu mes throu ghout the two- hour perfo rmanc e.
This won't be easy, she said.
Jackson said the Rock Witch u Tour requi res a lot of fast costu me chang es.
"I'm doinga coupl e of thing s that I've never done befor e. Norma lly with a tour, you norma lly under dress . So it makes your quick chang es very quick ," said Jacks on, descr ibing the pract ice of layer ing costu mes.
"Well, we' re not doing that. We have nothi ng on under neath . It's full dress from head to toe -- shoes , pants , every thing . "
Jackson said she is intri gued by the futur e and hinte d that this influ enced her costu mes and the overa ll look of the show.
As for kicking back while on tour, the singe r, dance r and actre ss said, she is happi est on her bus watch ing telev ision or movie s, readi ng books or scrip ts, and visit ing with the dance rs.
"I know a lot of people like to take priva te plane s so they can get to the next city fast so they can just relax but the bus relax es me," Jacks on said.
"I love the bus rides. "
Posted By: Peaches!
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