2 hours ago
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Style Yo Soul Sunday: Flashback Tyra
Not quite the Sunday post I should be writing but what the hell, I think it kinda fits! Its Fashion, Its Fierce, Its Tyra! I totally forgot about this video and the song was hotness! Where is her album at? and do you think that was her singing? Sounds a little bit like J.Lo if you ask me but I dont know. So, you had better been praising the Lord this morning but this was just a reminder of what you was doing at the Clubhouse last night! Enjoy!
Posted by Skittles
*Please Note: This is not the purpose of Style your Soul Sunday! It is about inspiring the soul. Skittles better be lucky he fine as hell and can work that, plus this was my jam, cause I would have to "Cut Him, Yeah that's right girl! Cut him!" Read more!

Here is the T gurls! I can't believe there is finally a date for the movie! I'm still upset that they canceled the highest watched and rated show on LOGO that finally told a great story that we could relate to! That channel shouldn't even have their name on the promos! Anyway, I'm happy to see that you cant keep a good show down, even if this is the final installment! (it still came back bigger and better) So make sure you watch it on screen, DVD, or however you wish unless you want me to get that boogina!
P.S. I didn't know that in the title Noah's ARC, the A.R.C represents Noah's friends
Alex - Ricky - Chance. I know true fans probably got that right off but it was new to me.
Posted by Skittles Read more!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Yes We Can and Will!!
You know that I wasn't going to not make a post after watching one of the greatest speeches since Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" 45 years ago. Obama did we he was suppose to and had ever one of the 75,000 and millions around the country believing in change again. For me, this was my "I Have a Dream" speech and no matter what will the outcome, 45 years later I will still remember that speech as if it was brand new. I just pray, one, McCain old ass that heed to his words and make this campaign about issues facing America and not about small shit like how many times he brush his hair. And two, if Obama is elected, I pray that people let him do his job and not try to hurt or kill him or nickpick ever decision he makes. and finally I pray that if he is elected, that all these speeches come to reality. For those who missed history, the video above is the entire speech, rather you are for McCain or nobody, you can't deny this is historic and you will hate to be the only person who was a part of it.
Posted By: Peaches!
*FINAL NOTE: Just Vote! Read more!
Only in The Ville!
Only The Ville can build a man made beach in the center of downtown when there is at least 5 real beaches 20 minutes away. Well at least it will be easier to find parking and food options will only be a couple feet away. I have been craving the beach for awhile, but Fay and other things wanted to get in the way. So this Labor day weekend I plan on hitting a beach rather man made or not!
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!

Verona, NY on October 13 and
New York City at Madison Square Gardens on Thursday, October 16 so get them fast people!
All I know is, these hurricanes and tropical storm better not fuck up our chances of seeing Miss J or I may have to cut!
Posted by Skittles Read more!
What the F*CK FRIDAY! : Fay, Gustav, now Hanna!

These bitches need to go sit down somewhere because these things are starting to come faster than some horny black men jacking off to a John Legend video! Anyway, Fay already showed her ASS and created a hot mess for us but we overcame it! Then as soon as that bitch left, here came Gustav chasing her like they had been fucking and even though he devastated Jamaica and Haiti taking lives with him, he knows better than to try us with that bullshit! BUT NOW, here comes HANNA trying to act all big and bad making this the third Crazy Bitch that has tried Florida in the last three weeks! Take us Higher Lord cuz we need it! I won't be surprised when the next one tries to show up next week!
Posted by Skittles Read more!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tube Top Thursday: "Change" Clothes and Play Some Footall!
Today is must see TV and I have to work, so I will miss it all. So to make sure you don't miss it, here is a guide to it all:

7pm start with the Jags Vs. the Redskins on NBC
Then at 9pm the Jags should be winning, so celebrate by letting your inner fashion diva read the creations on Bravo's Project Runway

And finally after watching someone get Auf'd, say hello to the future and watch history be made on the 45 Anniversary of the "I Have Dream" speech as Obama gives the speech of the year before his Presidential acceptance speech!
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Hump Day Hump Music!

Time is going by quick as hell, We are about to elect a new President, football is starting, and the most important, Janet is about to start her tour. Which means me and Skittles are close enough to Ft. Lauderdale that we can taste the Pollo Tropical now. This fall is about to jump off, so jump on someone you love (or love for the moment, protected of course!) and have the ride of your life!
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Ahh Snap, Jesse Gonna Buy you a Drank!
OK, I know some of you (probably Skittles) is like "Hell Naw Shorty", but I think his version is hot. Well anybody other T-Pain and his fuckary would sound hot to me, even Kermit the frog with his throat cut in a bag sinking to the bottom of the sea would be better than his Jim Crow Chicken George ass!
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
In The Name of Jebus: That Cut you Butter!

Just Read:
OCALA, Fla. - Authorities say an Ocala man pulled a knife on members of a church congregation who would not give him butter from their morning buffet.When 48-year-old Frankie Lewis couldn't get any butter on Sunday from the buffet line, police say he pulled his knife on members and threatened to cut them.
Police say Lewis eventually went to put the knife away, but that's when a church member hit him with a wooden board. Lewis then rode away on a bicycle, but police quickly caught him.
Lewis was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. He was being held on $2,000 bail.
I can't even speak after this fuckary! I am out!
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
No Brotherly Love!!
OMG!!!!! I cannot believe what I just saw here in this video! I guess its a group rule to continue singing even when your group member falls or in this case PASSES OUT!!!!! What the hell were you thinking K-Ci???????? I would have beat his ass when I came to! Just watch and see this fuckery!!!
Posted by Skittles Read more!
Posted by Skittles Read more!
Hot Traxx of the Moment: Janelle Monae & Solange

OK I know few may know Janelle or know her from appearances on tracks for Outkast. But I totally just relearned her after listening to her debut album "The Chase Suite" which I haven't stop listening to and this song "Sincerely, Jane" has just blown my mind Beijing style and its has been on repeat. I love her futuristic but not overly techno sound and her dramatic and yet poetic voice and lyrics. I hate to say it but I was all up Solange and Lady GaGa album ass, but now its all about Janelle. Get her album and if your still not convinced, take a listen:
Posted By: Peaches!

OMG! I cannot believe Ms. Solange is finally back and bringing it in every positive way. I have to admit I was hating on her after her debacle of a first album but this second album "Sol-Angel and the Hadley Street Dreams" (OUT NOW!!! and you will love it) blows the other away! Her sound, voice, and attitude is on-point this time around and she better be recognized as Solange from now on and not B's Lil Sis! This song off the album (6 0'Clock Blues) is a pure modern Motown love song! See live performance here!
Posted by Skittles Read more!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Man Up Monday: The Ville's Jags!

Now that the Olympics are gone with a big bang, its time to focus on the sport that matters in The Ville, Football! I am a huge football fan and my team of choice is my hometown Jaguars (even though Skittles care less about them). They are already 2-1 for the preseason and will be taking on the Redskins on Thursday night. The Jags are that slept on team that last year finally got the respect they deserve and were on their way to the Super Bowl, but got routed by the Patriots. But this year their ready to finally get to the big game and crush all those in their way. So to get you ready for some football or some long awaited tight white pants lust, here are somethings to look for this season:

David Garrard not only proved that he is better than that clown Bryon last season when it comes to winning games as Quarterback, but he is fine as hell as well!

Maurice Jones-Drew may be short, but he will burn you on that field and won't stop until he hits that end zone. Plus for a short guy he is stacked and will do great as a Tightend, if you know what I mean!

The Jags Defense will be ready this season with their in your face play and also with their hot tackling positions that may make you forget your watching football!
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Style Your Soul Sunday: Umbrellas

This is my last post on Fay and since we are still dealing with her leftovers, let these words be your umbrella (ela ella aa...I couldn't help it!).
"We can not direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails"
Posted By: Peaches!
*Note: The photo above is an high Japanese (who else) umbrella that connects wirelessly to the internet to watch videos and in his case (and probably ever other person with this) porn! Ya nasty!
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
Peaches & Skittles on Sesame Street!
Okay, my last video of the day and I won't write a whole story on it other than if me and Skittles were on Sesame Street we would be Bert & Ernie, but black and sexy!
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Its so Hard to Say Goodbye Beijing!
Well the Olympics will come to an end Sunday and no doubt the closing ceremonies will be mind blowing and London will show us if they will bring it in 2012. so as a little honor for both Olympic cities, the first video is London's BBC intro to the Beijing Olympics and the second is a welcome video made in Beijing with all their famous artist (which I wish they do something like that here without it being for a cure or after a tragedy). and don't miss the closing ceremonies on Sunday night, check your local listings,cause you don't want to be the one at work the next not knowing what in the hell your co workers are passing out about! Read more!
Slow your roll Saturday!
Fay is gone and the rain is almost done, but even still I can't go out and get my buttons pushed. Trees are still in the roads and floods are everywhere, so before you think about getting freak on in the club (if any are open), slow your roll with this slowed down version of PCD's Buttons!
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
What The Fay Is This???

I'm sorry, but their asses should have been blow away just by this picture alone!! Can we say that this is a "We want to be in the newspaper and the Jacksonville website so badly that we will risk our lives and our daughters to get married on a windy rainy beach with a tropical storm over our heads!" couple. Like they seriously could not wait a few days or just do the damn thing indoors like smart people. At least have the real wedding attire and the whole sha-bang out there to make it a little worth it! NOT CUTE white people, NOT CUTE AT ALL! Lets just see how this looks in your wedding album!
Posted by Skittles! Read more!
Hottie of the Moment: Keston!!

Ok, funny story and I know you may not believe but here goes! I was actually going to do a post on the crazy FUCK UP that the USA Olympic Track and Field Team managed to hand off to us twice back to back in the same way (or in their case, NOT HAND OFF THE DAMN BATON!!) Click here for more info on that hot mess!
Anyway, as I was trying to search for pictures to post, I remember the cameras coming across a fine chocolate runner named Keston or Kreston (didnt catch the last name cuz I was too busy looking at his features in his bright red track suit) and thought he was running with our team. I typed in the name and got this fine chocolateness instead. Now!, I don't now if this is the same guy or not (again the name and the face slipped my mind as I was trying to use X-ray vision on his track suit) but I had to post this hottie while I had the chance. SO THIS POST WAS NOT MY INTENTIONAL GOAL, but it definitely doesn't hurt to have him grace our page. His website and myspace page are in the picture. And to answer his question, i would attempt a hot sweaty honey covered threesome with him and Peaches while on white silk sheets with Janet playing in the background if I know I couldn't fail! AND I AM THROUGH!
Posted by Skittles!
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Da Brat Tat Tat That Head!

She Didn't Talk, She didn't Argue, She Just Hit That Bitch Wit A Bottle (with a full bottle too!) Too bad she now has to suffer 3 years in prison for it! Da Brat aka Shawntae Harris was giving 3 years in prison Friday for hitting and Atlanta Falcons cheerleader at a nightclub! I really hope she was worth it because I wonder what she could have said to Brat to make her go off like that??? It's a shame what this will do to her rap carrer, ooops I mean the one that had already went down hill! Pack up some bottles Ms.Brat cuz you're gonna need them for those late night raunchy lesbian sessions but then again, you may be used to that already!! Don't hate, I just write what I read and hear! Click here for the story!
Posted by Skittles! Read more!
Friday, August 22, 2008
What the Fcuk Friday: Fay!

OMG, what is this bitch problem?! I know The Ville is hot, but it is time to go BooBoo! I have been stuck in this house since Wednesday, and today is a payday and I needs to see my man. Every couple of minutes, my house is getting bitch slapped by trees and now leaks are appearing on my walls and that is not cute. Plus I have missed 3 days of good paying work due to the roads around my house being flooded and all types of hell Fay is bringing with it. The good news is at least I am alive, I am not stuck outside or at work, and so far my lights haven't gone out so I am able to watch TV (which is all about Fay) and do somethings online. This bitch better leave before this weekend, cause Targay is having an off tha chain back to school sale (printer, scanner, copier combo for $29) and I need to start getting ready for Janet. So to introduce What the Fcuk Friday, lets hope to say goodbye to Fay real soon...hold up...now this hoe is trying to go out with a bang, now there are tornadoes being spotted around town. Pray for us here or whatever you do, just send some positive vibes, cause we are on our last nerve right now. And for those in town who are like fuck it and trying to go out for who knows what, this is for you:

Posted By: Peaches!
Please Note: The photos on this post came from Jacksonville.com and are taken around my neighborhood in Springfield and San Marco. For any of you who thought I got my happy black ass outside in that fuckary to snappy snap a photo, you really don't know me or skittles and need to start form square one.There have been already 7 deaths cause of Fay and my ass won't be number 8 if I can help it BooBoo! Read more!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Things That Make You Go..Hmmm?: Kids Toys Edtion
No words except there is probably a pedophile in the neighborhood with a big smile! *OSE (Oprah Side Eye)

Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Tube Top Thursday: Reba!
Fay is still bitching in The Ville, but at least she is allowing me to catch up on some movies and TV shows I haven't seen in a while. And today I was reintroduced to the funniest slept on show ever, Reba. If you never watched it before, here's the break down. Reba, played by Reba McEntire, is a recently divorce mother of 3 who has to deal with her ex and his new crazy wife and her pregnant 18 year old daughter and airhead husband who lives with her. With all that drama, you know it has to be good, it's not, its awesome! So to introduce Tube Top Thursday, which you see is about what's hot in TV and not about the hoe uniform, watch this bonus video of one of my favorite episodes and see more proof of why this show is hilarious.
Post By: Peaches! Read more!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Get into Janet's Panties!

Janet never fails to surprise me with her fierocia style and ladies you can too, well in the bedroom for now. Janet is launching a Lingerie line called "Pleasure Principle". Here's what Woman Wear Daily says about it:
Janet Jackson Launches LingerieOkay, I am going to let that tired ass Super Bowl joke slide for now because I am so excited. She better come out with a men line, but even if she don't, you now some of her Queenlicious fans will be rocking those panties in the clubhouse. I always hoped Janet would come out with something in fashion, but then everyone and their mama wanted to be fashion designers. But at least she is doing something different, and she better do a hot ad like Kylie did for Agent Provocateur!
By Anne Riley-Katz
Posted Wednesday August 20, 2008
Janet Jackson's latest release isn't from this year's "Discipline" album - it's her lingerie line, Pleasure Principle.
The legendary hip-hop and R&B diva teamed with Bruno Schiavi, the Australian lingerie designer behind Dr. Rey's Shapewear line (named for "Dr. 90210" fixture Dr. Robert Rey), for her debut fashion duet. The 18-piece line is named after the hit single from Jackson's 1986 multiplatinum album "Control," is designed to be comfortable for a range of sizes - 32A to 44G, and is crafted of mostly satin and lace.
Items will be manufactured in China and will be in department stores by late this year or early 2009. Jackson and Schiavi are currently in negotiations with major chains to carry the line; U.S. stores will be revealed in coming months, with releases in Australia, Japan and Europe to follow.
Jackson said the combination of beauty and comfort was the primary driver for the designs, though affordability was also paramount. Price points for the bra and underwear pieces are all under $40.
"I hate when you've had on a bra all day long and you just can't wait to take it off - every woman has experienced that," she said. "A lot of lingerie tends to leave those marks and be uncomfortable. This line is about detail, fit and comfort as well as beauty and making women feel sexy."
This is the first time in her long career that Jackson has undertaken an apparel line of any sort, though she is a fan of Alexander McQueen - she came out to help fete the opening of his Los Angeles store this spring - and Versace, whose show she attended in June. Her innerwear collection will be expanded in the future, plus Schiavi and Jackson are already at work on additional lines and collaborations, including plans to extend beyond lingerie in 2009.
"In order for me to do something I have to be very passionate about it or I won't give it my all," she said. "I had so much fun designing this."
Jackson, who next month is embarking on her first North American concert tour in seven years, said the line developed quickly, though since she's preparing for her tour, and Schiavi splits time between Los Angeles and Australia, the pair had to squeeze in design sessions whenever they could - even during dance rehearsals or over the phone in the middle of the night.
"It's 3 a.m., Janet's in Paris and I'm in Australia and we're on the phone talking about the line," said Schiavi.
"I eat lunch at the same time every day, so we'd do a lot of work during my lunch time when Bruno would come down to rehearsals," Jackson added.
The singer first unveiled plans for the line in June at the Versace men's wear show in Milan in June, right around the time Jackson and longtime boyfriend, record producer Jermaine Dupri, said they're planning to start a family after the latest tour ends.
Jackson said the lingerie line is "definitely" a good jumping-off point for future fashion endeavors.
"It's something for every woman, and I truly do mean that. It makes you feel sexy," she said.
And presumably there will be no wardrobe malfunctions.
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Say What?!

I am floored! Excuse me, but who in the hell knew Toby "King of redneck, white trash, and blue collar" Keith is a Democrat. And on top of that, he loves Obama and states:
"So as far as leadership and patriotism goes, I think it's really important that those things have to take place. And I think he's(Obama) the best Democratic candidate we've had since Bill Clinton. And that's coming from a Democrat."You just don't know, living in The Ville and all over the south after 9/11 every red blooded redneck celebrates him as a God after his song "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue," and if you thought differently, you were unamerican and a terrorist. So it comes as a shock to me and most likely his fans that he's not an Republican, pro-Bush, and pro-war fanatic, but actually wants the war to end and wants change in America. Just goes to show as always, never judge a book by it's cover or in this case, a singer by his fans.
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Wednesday Hump: Fay Edition!

Fay needs to stop this bullshit, got me and Skittles buying stuff and all concerned about her and we not even fucking! Well hopefully she pass on by like all hurricanes do The Ville (they don't want none of this!) or she rains her weak haterade on us and I won't have to go to work and still get paid. Well no matter what, its still hump day and if you're being affected by Fay, there is no need to sit in the dark and do nothing. Just pretend your listening to a Janet slow jam and work that shit like a hurricane. If you safe from the storm, here's some Janet to help rain on that ass!
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Too Fierce Tuesday: Kathy Griffin!
It's premiere week here at Fierocia and as you may tell we are giving each day it's own hotness. Tuesday (the bastard child of the week!) we want to celebrate the fierceness out there that fits to the fierocia lifestyle and who better to get the ball rolling than Comedy Diva Kathy Griffin. Not only those she don't give a fuck and will tell you, but she will make you cry with laughter as she does. If you haven't watched My Life on the D-list, then why are you not out running to your local Targay and getting it or calling Comcast to get Bravo? It is the funniest hour of reality TV ever made. Also while at Targay pick up "For Your Consideration", her comedy CD which one day I listened to on the way to work and almost got in an accident laughing so hard. She's not only a Comedy Diva, Emmy winner, and possible Grammy winner, she is just as serious about helping others. She has toured in war zones like Iraq for soldiers, military hospitals with injured vets, help modernize a school in Mexico, and even just once a year go around and give out $10,000 to random people. To further show why Kathy is our Too Fierce Tuesday first inductee, here are two videos that show her hilarious and charitable (sorry in advance for the quality of this video, I didn't make it!) side.
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Monday, August 18, 2008
I am GAGA for GAGA!!
OH MY GAGA!!!! Just when you thought 2008 music game was failing terribly, MISS GAGA stepped in to show these bitches how to step the game up! Ever since Peaches and I saw her on the Miss Universe 2008, she has been a breath fresh air to the music world. I can't get enough of her music and the video for her song "Just Dance" is bananas (even though Akon and Colby Davis is in the vid and singing in the song) so her album is still gonna be fire! The video above is a fierce promo commercial for her album and I wish more artist did this for there records! ENJOY!
Posted by Skittles Read more!
Fierocia of Music,
I like DAT,
Lady GAGA,
Um........... ok! Well, now I have seen everything! and I thought Soulja Boy was bad. Apparently, this will be the new dance coming soon to every ghetto and every club near you soon! Eventhough it looks extremely corny and wrong, you know that everybody is gonna be doing it and thinks its the shit so if its becomes big, i will applaud!
Posted by Skittles Read more!
Stand Under Her Umbrella.....LITERALLY!!!!!

What is going on Rhi Rhi!!?? Number 1 - Why am I even seeing this from you ma'am? Don't tell me you came up with this idea! and even if you did, why not go with a well known umbrella company (IF THERE IS ONE!!). Number 2 - Why are there three types of Umbrellas here (Skinni Mini, Colors, and Basic Black) for us to choose from??? Number 3 - Whats with the R LOGO fake diamond pendent on the handle!!!?? and Number 4 - Why oh why is it on a bootleg purple cardboard display on an endcap by the meat section in PUBLIX SUPER MARKET!!!!!???? TAKE ME HIGHER LORD!!! Whoever did this to you needs to be fired ASAP and if you did this, then you seriously need to take a bow and lay down cuz you bumped yo head!
Did Chris Brown tell you this was cute????
Posted by Skittles
I have to add my two cent (since that's all I can afford for this fuckary!), this is not a shock to me. Rih Rih ass is everywhere and I know a sista got to make that paper, but damn, let another bitch get a scrap. I am soo tired of seeing her face on every magazine, Vibe, Ebony, Jewish Grandma Quarterly. What's next? A chain of Disturbia Mental Institutes? Rih Rih sit down, take a rest, let Chris rub your feet, and let some other deserving R&B sista get a little shine. Poor Amerie probably stocking plus size sweaters at Walmart or Christina Milan is trying to sell weave glue at the corner Beauty Plus!
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Man Up Monday: The Olympics!

Introducing the latest edition to Fierocia, Man Up Monday. Even though me and Skittles can be some big fierce queens, we indulge our straight side as well. I love football (Go Jags!), Hooters (And not just for the wings!), and we can watch Olympic men gymnastics without getting turned on (ok that's a big lie!). Some this little corner of the blog will be dedicated to our straight side, with a little gay touch. Well unless you are deaf and blind and live in a box you know the Olympics are on and running. Beijing has already shot it's self to the top of all Olympics games with it's mind blowing opening ceremonies and hasn't let up since. We have at least 10 broken world records a day, greats like Phelps with a historic 8 gold medals, The oldest female swimmer Tores working it, and US women giving it to China in gymnastic. But there has also been some painful surprises like the Williams sisters getting knocked out of tennis single gold chase, Tyson Gay getting his ass handed to him on the track, and Nastia being robbed of the gold in uneven bars. But the star of the Olympics so far has been Phelps, the merman, and his record breaking 8 gold medals, I just pray that 5 years from now we aren't looking like fools as he admits to using some type of illegal enhancement to win. I am counting down to Sunday when the closing ceremonies will no doubt end in a bang and usher in London 2012. So for those out there who are like fuck the medals and what about the hotness, here is just a taste of Olympic fire.

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Style Your Soul Sunday: Crowns!

“The brightest crowns that are worn in heaven have been tried, and smelted, and polished, and glorified through the furnace of tribulation”
Posted By: Peaches!
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Wash or Cut that Man Right out of your Hair!
Ok, I know we haven't posted in like a couple of days, but we have jobs and if we don't make that paper, we will have to blog from the library in between hoeing on the corner! So I, Peaches, promise to post at least one post a day starting with this sexiness. Omarion or "Oh, My Turn On" as I call him, has done what other already fine ass entertainers has done and cut the locks. But only Omarion had to make it diva and make a video and use it as promotion for his new album. I would hate, but he is looking too cute and fire and now grown enough to get on that. But we all know the real reason he did this, to get back at Bow Wow and show him that fine ass "Good Good" he won't be getting anymore and you know Bow Wow is somewhere "rubbing it out" to this video. Don't act like you don't know!
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Really Need 2 Stop Moments: Miss Boom Kack Singing!
I love me some Laurie Ann "Boom Kack" Gibson and thank god she is back on Making the band, cause this hot tranny mess needs to stop. And no this was not made back in 1990 but in 2008. I am done with this Fergie ripoff, there are no kittens waiting to drank that sour milk. All I want to know after this video is where the hell is my damn hot pink snap bracelet?!
Posted By: Peaches!
WHY? WHY? WHY? I could not finish this video cuz it was just that bad! Wherever Boom Kack, NY is, it needs to burn quickly with her in gasoline thongs. And what drag queen directed this? Please go back to doing choreography booboo cuz the voice is sounding like the Ebola virus and it is NOT ADDICTIVE!
Posted by Skittles! Read more!
"You are the him for me!"
If you want to know why me and Skittles love Solange wait until the 3:21 mark. it would had been a different story if it was Beyonce.
Posted By: Peaches!
She know she needs to stop it right now! She knows that was her retarded friend that wondered his way on stage and she making people think she keeping it real by making everybody think she is letting a perfect stranger dance with her on stage because supposedly he is NOT DANGEROUS!! I know you not Beyonce and all, but you didn't feel that secure booboo. BUT EVEN AFTER THAT, I STILL LOVE YOU GIRL!!!
Posted by Skittles! Read more!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
A Hit and A Miss!!!
I don't know why I am comparing these two or bringing up these songs in particular but here it is, A good Danity Kane Hit and a bad Lil Wayne Miss.
Very nice and melodic song with pure Neptune beats makes this a nice love loss song! They all sound great and you can even shake it up to this!
Lil wayne
He must have been high and drunk and somebody told him this was hot shit! THEY LIED! Why has he started singing now??? You can barely hear him singing about a prostitute that he wants to be with! This was a waste to music space.
Posted by Skittles Read more!
Very nice and melodic song with pure Neptune beats makes this a nice love loss song! They all sound great and you can even shake it up to this!
Lil wayne
He must have been high and drunk and somebody told him this was hot shit! THEY LIED! Why has he started singing now??? You can barely hear him singing about a prostitute that he wants to be with! This was a waste to music space.
Posted by Skittles Read more!
You're a Wizard Harry...For Real!

Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Heavenly Fierocia: Issac Hayes!

Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
American Idol Begins in The Ville!
You may ask if me and Skittles made it out there...No Boo Boo, we have jobs and a trip to South Florida to save for. Plus American Idol is not ready for our voices of silk, so hot Paula will have to go to rehab afterwards! But good luck to all those who did and The Ville better represent America's Next Top Model style!
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Lunch with America's Next Top Model!

Posted By: Peaches!
P.S. Some may ask why no photos from lunch, well one rule of being fierocia is not being ghetto and disrespecting people privacy. If I wasn't going to interrupt her by talking to her while eating, I wasn't going to just start a photo shoot instead. Next time I see her I will ask for a photo since we will be more familiar to her. I am not Perez Hilton bitches! Read more!
Heavenly Fierocia: Bernie Mac!

Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Fierocia of A Lifetime: Beijing Opening Ceremonies!
Me and Skittles were speechless! That is why I am just writing about, because I had to recover and believe what I thought I saw. For those who don't know me (which is everyone other than Skittles!) I am an Olympic fanatic since Barcelona in 1992, but it is all about the opening and closing ceremonies. For years Atlanta in 1996 in my opinion brought it the hardest, even though Sydney in 2002 step the torch lighting game to another level with their fire in water trick. But all that went out the door with Beijing 2008 and their high tech, beautiful, and touching opening. My expectations were high already cause they are the home of fireworks and I know they had to bring the fire. But when I heard that after Steven Spielberg dropped out and the man who directed House of Flying Daggers and Curse of the Golden Flower (Those movies are da bizness!) took over, I knew it has to be hot. But I never expected for it to be brought so hard, from thousands of lighted drums, a huge rolling LCD screen floor, Floating lights, to the torch being lite by a man running sideways on the opening of the stadium was mind blowing. All I can say is if you missed it, you missed the most futuristic and culturally advance show ever! The above video doesn't come close to show it's amazement, but since no one has a video on it to share, this was the best I could find. London you better bring it in 2012 and at this point you better get David Beckham bare ass naked covered in gold glitter to kick a soccer ball on fire from Big Ben and light the entire Thames River as the torch!
Posted By: Peaches!
Also my thoughts and prays go out to the family and US volleyball team of the killed US tourist as well as the killer who killed himself afterwards (because his family will be left with the memory of his last actions!) today in Beijing, as well as all those in China that despite the danger, still fighting for what is right in China! Read more!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Fierocia of the Moment: Japanese Bag Ladies!
Yes I know, not another damn video, but bitch when you make your blog you do what you feel. Any who, Japan is my country and if it wasn't for the language barrier or my lack of paper, I will be living it up Tomorrowland style. For the time being I will have to marvel at their creative and surprisingly high tricks to simple things and wait 7 to 10 years until it becomes available here. Well this trick we don't have to wait until Best Buy sells it and can do now, even though they have been this for hundreds of years. Its called furoshiki or cloth wrapping and its the art of carrying items use only one piece of cloth. As the video shows, you can make several styles from one cloth. Not only is it fierce hotness cause you can style how ever your mood and a stylist queen always has a fab scarf nearby, but it is also ecofriendly. So forget paper or plastic or even a canvas bag, honey you better get that Louie V knock off scarf you brought from the corner Chinese dollar store rock that bag at Targay. So when you out at the club you can be like "Bitch hold my furoshiki!" when your jam comes on.
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Hump Day Hump Dance!
That's right, instead of the normal Hump Day Music post, today it's dance! In honor of Miss Jackson tour starting up soon, I think everyone tonight needs to put on a little show for their boo for the night or mirror or web cam or how ever you what to fly your grown and sexy freak flag. Work a pole, light post, your man, woman, homeless hot guy down the street, whatever, but you betta bring it bitch!
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Janet Rocks With Us SOON!

I can't believe it's only a month and a few days to go before Janet hits the stage for the hottest concert of the year! I know Peaches and I have to wait twice as long till she hits up Sunrise,Fl (See countdown clock in bottom right side of the blog) but it will be worth it! SO GETS THOSE TICKETS SOON and show your love for Miss Jackson even if you can't make it! Make videos, leave comments, bump her music in the car, make janet layouts, get her ringtones, wear her merchandise, do some pro-Janet rallies, get a tattoo of her face somewhere, make love to her sexy melodies, watch her youtube videos..... whatever it is, she is coming and we need to be ready for her!!
Go to ticketmaster.com right now and MAKE IT WORK!!
Posted by Skittles Read more!
Paris '08 Bitch!
See more funny videos at Funny or Die
Even if you love her or hate her or you're a Obama or McCain fan, his shit is hilarious. This is Paris's surprisingly funny response to McCain's lame ass Obama smear ad. Too bad he won't be able to see it since he doesn't know how to use the internet. That's so not hot!
Posted by: Peaches! Read more!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
B.Scott x2 for that Ass!
B.Scott Stalks Your Ex
B.Scott and the Squirrel
See how well you know him!!!!
Posted by Skittles Read more!
B.Scott and the Squirrel
See how well you know him!!!!
Posted by Skittles Read more!
Back In The Day Wit Beyonce
Beyonce Woman Like Me
In case you have never heard this song or seen this video, it is from the Pink Panther soundtrack. I don't know if the video is official but it's still OF THE CHAIN!!
Beyonce Baby Boy
I just wanted to put this performance on here because she tried to bring back the "flames coming to life" onstage bit which Shakira started, but its still a good performance so don't hate!
Posted by Skittles Read more!
In case you have never heard this song or seen this video, it is from the Pink Panther soundtrack. I don't know if the video is official but it's still OF THE CHAIN!!
Beyonce Baby Boy
I just wanted to put this performance on here because she tried to bring back the "flames coming to life" onstage bit which Shakira started, but its still a good performance so don't hate!
Posted by Skittles Read more!
Kinda Hot and Definitely Not!
Oh No Ma'am!
Please tell me somebody told her she was cute and forced her to do this looking like chubb rock! Please rest my soul!
Chris Brown for DoubleMint
Even though it seems that Chris Brown should be bigger then dancing for gum, i have to say he is just fine enough to make me want to buy some.
Posted by Skittles Read more!
Please tell me somebody told her she was cute and forced her to do this looking like chubb rock! Please rest my soul!
Chris Brown for DoubleMint
Even though it seems that Chris Brown should be bigger then dancing for gum, i have to say he is just fine enough to make me want to buy some.
Posted by Skittles Read more!
Am I High or Just Watching Cartoons?!
I had a teacher who use to say that the crack baby generation will be taking over soon. Well appartely they have already taken over cartoons. If you think spongebob is crazy, these new kids shows will make him look like a monk!
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Things That Make You Go..Hmmm?
First of all, about damn time Disney recognize that there are black people in the world and we're not all slaves or lions. Two, I love me some Anika Noni Rose since Caroline or Change and less, From Justin to Kelly (Fuck what you heard, that movie was hot...a hot mess!). The kissing the frog is cute, but what is up with that Churches fried country ass firefly and why in a movie based in New Orleans, jazz, black culture, they got Randy Newman drunk sounding ass singing. I know he wrote the music, but if his ass is singing in this movie, then I am out!
Posted By: Peaches! Read more!
Friday, August 1, 2008
The Slow Loris
Slow Loris
I must say that I think he is kinda cute in a way. They move like 1.5 MPH and they look harmless but their bite is something serious (not nearly enough toxins to kill you but make you quite uncomfortable for a while) but I want one as a pet.
Posted by Skittles Read more!
I must say that I think he is kinda cute in a way. They move like 1.5 MPH and they look harmless but their bite is something serious (not nearly enough toxins to kill you but make you quite uncomfortable for a while) but I want one as a pet.
Posted by Skittles Read more!
Toni B Is Still HOT FIRE!
Toni Braxton In Review
Toni Revealed
I still love Miss Toni even though she has been gone from the big music scene for a while and diong her Las Vegas show but I heard she coming back strong pretty soon in the 09 so ya'll better watch out bitches! Anyway, I just wanted to give props and have her grace our page. She screams fierocia!!!
Posted by Skittles Read more!
Toni Revealed
I still love Miss Toni even though she has been gone from the big music scene for a while and diong her Las Vegas show but I heard she coming back strong pretty soon in the 09 so ya'll better watch out bitches! Anyway, I just wanted to give props and have her grace our page. She screams fierocia!!!
Posted by Skittles Read more!
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