Now that the Olympics are gone with a big bang, its time to focus on the sport that matters in The Ville, Football! I am a huge football fan and my team of choice is my hometown Jaguars (even though Skittles care less about them). They are already 2-1 for the preseason and will be taking on the Redskins on Thursday night. The Jags are that slept on team that last year finally got the respect they deserve and were on their way to the Super Bowl, but got routed by the Patriots. But this year their ready to finally get to the big game and crush all those in their way. So to get you ready for some football or some long awaited tight white pants lust, here are somethings to look for this season:

David Garrard not only proved that he is better than that clown Bryon last season when it comes to winning games as Quarterback, but he is fine as hell as well!

Maurice Jones-Drew may be short, but he will burn you on that field and won't stop until he hits that end zone. Plus for a short guy he is stacked and will do great as a Tightend, if you know what I mean!

The Jags Defense will be ready this season with their in your face play and also with their hot tackling positions that may make you forget your watching football!
Posted By: Peaches!
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