Two fine ass black men on a mission to up hold the ideals of fierceness and hotness from the streets of Jacksonville to the cities of the world. And if you are fierce you will be celebrated as you deserved, but beware if you look, act, smell, or sound like a hot mess, you will be ASSASSINATED!(Verbally, not fo realz!)
And just when you thought the world had given Chris another chance, RihRih steps in to let ya'll bitches know what went down. Let's just hope she gives us the raw truth and not a laid out story of what she wants us to hear! I will be tuning in Thursday at 7AM on ABC!
Just here to quickly say "Have a Fierce Halloween!!" and DONT FORGET to set your clocks back ONE HOUR at 2 AM Tonight so you can have an extra hour of Halloween fun! BE SAFE!!!
Ok so if those of you were mad about, my last post, in the words of my boo "I don't give flying shit balls!" But I do about this video. I was about to make a comment on Brit video, but found this instead. Prue Fierceness! I don't understand not one damn thing Shakira is saying as usual (I understood her better in Spanish. Why does she try?) and I don't get what any of it means (Lesbian sauna, House of Flying Daggers band, Couching Tiger Hidden Dragon bedroom, and shiny hips!) but my eyes feel like they just matrix suicide dropped at the Dolce & Gabbana latax ball! I am gagging!!! Bey, Brit, CiCi, step your shit up or retire from the game, cause Miss Shake Shake Shakira is not here to play but buy stadiums!
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Yes, I know he is a woman beating, bootleg ass apologizing, thinks he is MJ 2008, low life, but Chris is given it to me in this video. All ya know if he never went Ike on RihRih, ya'll would be shaking it in the club like a crackhead on their last rock to this hotness! Plus even with Lil Wayne germlin ass fucking up the video with his face and dried out KFC grilled chicken chest, Chris was bring that sexy full frontal. Is he finally 18 so I can tear that ass up and then kick it?! Posted by Peaches
I have to say that while Chris was giving me his sexy twang "how ur doin? pops and lock on dat ass, I wasn't feelin any other aspect of the video or the song for that matter! It must have been a unworthy song that was supposed to go on the Transformers soundtrack and has since been decided to put it on his album. Peaches will be shakin it up by himself with this ish, but I agree with hittin it and then kickin it to the curb! Posted by Skittles
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Here is the new effort from Brit Brit and I am a little torn. It is rare that I like the video and not the song, but that is the case here. She is giving me feva in the visuals with the body and sexiness, not to mention the dancers, and I'm feelin the little pop and lock that's goin on. But the song just urks the hell out of me, like a repetitive autotune chipmunks pounding on my eardrums with a lil jon gay dance beat in the background. Maybe it needs to grow on me but for now I will be watching it again on mute! Tell me what you think! Enjoy.
Just got back from a great vacation so we not quite back from the high of it all but I had to post this. It's just another video where my boi Bee318ti keeps it real about those haters! Enjoy!
Usually I would have just put this on Lickalish and called it a day, but HAVE YOU SEEN THESE PICS!!!? They are worth talking about ok? I have always thought Eva's "hot chocolate with legs" was fine but not to the point of maybe having to cut someone for him. But after seeing his chiseled "V for Vendetta" just above the goodies, I may reconsider! Lance?, can I be that hand that's exploring the area of no return please??? I promise not to tell your woman.....unless she wants to know!...... or wants have a 4some with my boo. HOLLA at me! While we wait for that call, you can check him out on House of Payne (like you didn't know) on TBS and on facebook. Posted by Skittles!
Not like we give a flying shit ball about the deletion of a twitter account, especially Miley's. but this is just for the ones who are so heartbroken and need to know why she decided to let that fuckery go! I can just see the "I follow MileyC on Twitter FAN CLUB" shirts going up in flames now! BE FREE STALKERS, BE FREE! P.S. - If anything, I thank her and this for bringing up our blog views! Have a good day.
Um?? Can someone help me understand this movie concept??? I have been told this new Marques Houston flick is a "You Got Served meets Twilight with a splash of Romeo and Juliet and a hint of West Side Story" rolled into one. What do you think?? and Do you think this will fly or fail?? It hits screens in 2010.