Man Oh Man! I know it's late and I should be in my bed like most normal peeps, but I might not be able too after hearing this new jam from Mariah (Mrs.Carey if we nasty) from the new album. I might have to literally run across town to get on my man and GET IT IN real quick okay? Now don't get me wrong, it's no Janet slow jam but "The Impossible" does have it's similarities...doesn't it sound a little like Anytime Anyplace??, but it had/has me feeling some kinda way right about now if you get the drift. Just thought I would share it. Oh, and the album as a whole is not half bad either, so go buy it or preview it here.
And just in case the song ended too soon and you didn't quite get that "cream in the coffee" yet, let it ease on out with the reprise. It'll be like laying in bed pumping Jodeci! HAHAHA! ENJOY!
Posted by Skittles Read more!