Let me just start by saying "What is the world coming to?" I was @ the mall today and was passing by the little kiddie playground section where all the kids frolic around and stuff. Well, I just happen to hear some store bumpin some hot beat so I did a quick tuck and roll over to where it was coming from and when I reached my destination they were playing "My Pussy" by Amanda Lepore loud as can be!!! I was like OMG, NOT IN FRONT OF THE KIDDIES!!! Yes honey, it was on and popping up in there (I wont give the store name away though) I was flabbergasted but I was still shakin it up on the inside. For those who havent heard this song, its in the B.Scott video above and its just plain hilarious!!

That picture is funny but it is not the actual place being talked about in this post. I knew that some people @ these chinese food places were slick but not like this. So I go up in the line, got my food and was getting ready to pay for it. I didn't want a drink with the combo so I thought it was going to be cheaper but just to make sure, i asked the lady if it was going to be cheaper and if not I would just get the drink! The bitch said it would be but when I got to the cashier, she swiped my card for full price. So I assume then that I was gonna get the drink and I told her what the other worker told me, and she goes "No, its the same price with or without the drink" so Im like "Then obviously I want the drink!" Do you know this bitch then completed the transaction, gave me the receipt, and told me "Oh its too late for me to give you the drink" and walked off. Oh NO MA'AM!!! I had already paid the same price with or without the drink so all she had to do was give me the drink. I went off on her and then got the manager to give me my money back and I got a free drink. You don't fuck wit black people food or they money!!!! I had to take it there DEGRASSI style. Anyway, please believe it wont happen again!
Posted by Skittles
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